Our approach to creative and messaging is established in an overall brand positioning. Our advertising is persuasive and speaks to the consumers in a relevant manner to achieve specific marketing goals.
We understand the intricacies of the various channels in the social space and create a content strategy to support a marketing initiative. We also invoke the power influencers to extend our reach.
Our public relations is integrated to the overall marketing strategy. We will develop the right pitch angle and connect with the right media to generate news coverage.
LX-Marketing creates online campaigns to efficiently target consumers where and how they consume media. Our online efforts work efficiently reaching consumers through banner ads, social media, websites, e-mail marketing and search engine optimization.
The “general market” is more culturally diverse than ever before. SsL multicultural efforts support the overarching marketing strategy by delivering a key message in a culturally relevant manner regardless of language.
LX-Marketing uses community outreach to an initiate a connection between a brand and targeted audiences. This is established through collateral materials, community based organizations, special events, any channel that personalizes the brand or initiative.
Our process begins with strategy. We uncover insights that will drive our communications from strategy through execution.
LX-Marketing uses events, relevant speakers and themed displays to communicate a product, service, or cause. Our events are accomplished offline and online, whichever is best to connect with and audience.
LX-Marketing will develop media plans based on a rationale to achieve our established media goals. We will engage the market through traditional and digital media, locally or nationally.